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Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Prepare for your Salesforce Developer interview with our comprehensive collection of 100 interview questions. Covering a wide range of topics, including Apex programming, Visualforce, Lightning Framework, data modeling, integration, and more, these questions are designed to assess your knowledge and skills as a Salesforce Developer. From coding best practices to solving real-world development challenges, this extensive list will help you showcase your expertise and excel in your Salesforce Developer interview. Enhance your preparation and be ready to tackle any development scenario with confidence using this valuable resource.

  • What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, service, and other customer-related activities.


  • What is an Apex class?

An Apex class is a code written in Salesforce's proprietary language called Apex. It defines the behavior and properties of a custom object, triggers, web services, and more.


  • What is the difference between a class and an object in Apex?

A class is a blueprint or template that defines the structure and behavior of an object. An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class that represents a specific record or data in memory.


  • What is a trigger in Salesforce?

A trigger in Salesforce is a piece of Apex code that executes before or after specific database events, such as insert, update, or delete operations. It allows for complex business logic and customization.


  • What are Governor Limits in Salesforce?

Governor Limits are the runtime limits enforced by the Salesforce platform to ensure the efficient use of shared resources. They include limits on the number of records processed, CPU time, database queries, and more.


  • What is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?

SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) is used to query records from a single object in Salesforce. SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language) is used to perform text-based searches across multiple objects.


  • What is the purpose of the @AuraEnabled annotation in Apex?

The @AuraEnabled annotation is used to expose Apex methods to the Lightning components framework, allowing client-side JavaScript code to invoke server-side Apex methods.


  • What is a custom object in Salesforce?

A custom object in Salesforce is a database table that allows you to store and manage custom data specific to your organization's needs. It can have its own fields, relationships, and behaviors.


  • What is a trigger context variable in Apex?

A trigger context variable in Apex provides access to the records and other contextual information during a trigger execution. It includes variables like, Trigger.old, and Trigger.isInsert.


  • What is the difference between a workflow rule and a process builder in Salesforce?

A workflow rule is a declarative tool used to automate simple internal procedures and processes based on defined criteria. Process Builder, on the other hand, provides a more advanced visual interface for creating complex automated processes with multiple criteria and actions.


  • How do you enforce data integrity in Salesforce?

Data integrity in Salesforce can be enforced using various mechanisms such as validation rules, required fields, unique fields, lookup filters, and record types.


  • What is a sandbox in Salesforce?

A sandbox is a copy of your Salesforce organization used for development, testing, and training purposes. It allows administrators and developers to make changes and test new functionality without impacting the live production environment.


  • What is the difference between a trigger and a workflow rule in Salesforce?

A trigger in Salesforce is a piece of Apex code that executes before or after specific database events, such as insert, update, or delete operations. It allows for complex business logic and customization. A workflow rule, on the other hand, is a declarative tool used to automate simple internal procedures and processes based on defined criteria.


  • What is the purpose of the @TestSetup annotation in Apex?

The @TestSetup annotation is used to create test data that is shared across multiple test methods in an Apex test class. It helps in reducing redundant code and improving test performance.


  • How do you write a test class in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, a test class is written using Apex code to test the functionality of Apex classes, triggers, and other code. It typically includes methods annotated with @isTest and test methods that simulate different scenarios and assert the expected outcomes.


  • What is a trigger handler in Salesforce?

A trigger handler, also known as a trigger framework, is an approach to organize and manage complex Apex triggers. It separates the trigger logic from the trigger itself, making the code more modular, reusable, and easier to maintain.


  • What is an Apex sharing reason in Salesforce?

An Apex sharing reason in Salesforce is a programmatic way to define the reason for sharing records with users or groups. It allows you to programmatically control access to records beyond the standard sharing rules.


  • What is a batch Apex in Salesforce?

Batch Apex in Salesforce allows you to process a large number of records asynchronously in smaller chunks or batches, thus avoiding governor limits. It is useful for data manipulation or long-running processes.


  • How do you create a Lightning component in Salesforce?

To create a Lightning component in Salesforce, you can use the Aura framework or the newer Lightning Web Components (LWC). It involves writing markup (HTML), JavaScript (Controller), and Apex (Server-side actions) code to define the component's structure and behavior.


  • What is the purpose of a trigger in Salesforce?

The purpose of a trigger in Salesforce is to execute custom business logic and automate actions before or after specific database events, such as record insertion, updating, or deletion. Triggers are used to enforce complex validation rules, perform calculations, update related records, and more.


  • How do you handle exceptions in Apex?

Exceptions in Apex can be handled using try-catch blocks. By wrapping potentially error-prone code within a try block, you can catch and handle any exceptions that may occur in the corresponding catch block. Additionally, you can use the built-in System methods to log or display error messages.


  • What is a Lightning App Builder in Salesforce?

The Lightning App Builder is a visual tool in Salesforce that allows you to create and customize Lightning apps, home pages, and record pages without writing code. It provides a drag-and-drop interface to arrange and configure components.


  • What is a data loader in Salesforce?

The data loader in Salesforce is a client application used to import, export, update, and delete large volumes of data in Salesforce. It provides a graphical interface or a command-line interface for performing bulk data operations.


  • How do you deploy metadata changes from one Salesforce organization to another?

Metadata changes can be deployed from one Salesforce organization to another using tools like Salesforce DX, change sets, or the Metadata API. These tools allow you to package and migrate configuration changes, code, and metadata components.


  • What is the difference between a trigger.old and trigger.oldMap in Salesforce?

In a trigger context, "trigger.old" represents the old versions of the sObject records before they were updated or deleted. It is an array-like structure. "trigger.oldMap," on the other hand, represents the old versions of the sObject records as a map, where the keys are record IDs and the values are the records themselves.


  • How do you implement validation rules in Salesforce?

Validation rules in Salesforce are implemented using formulas that define the criteria for record validation. You can create validation rules on both standard and custom objects to enforce data integrity and ensure that the data meets specific business requirements.


  • What is a custom setting in Salesforce?

A custom setting in Salesforce is a custom object that allows you to store custom data in a key-value pair format. It provides a way to configure application settings or define custom metadata that can be accessed by Apex code, formulas, and workflow rules.


  • How do you handle triggers on mass data updates in Salesforce?

When handling triggers on mass data updates, it's important to bulkify the trigger code to handle multiple records efficiently. This involves writing queries and DML statements outside of any loops to reduce the number of database operations.


  • What is the difference between a static variable and an instance variable in Apex?

A static variable in Apex is shared across all instances of a class and retains its value between method calls. An instance variable, on the other hand, is unique to each instance of a class and holds different values for different objects.


  • How do you enforce field-level security in Salesforce?

Field-level security in Salesforce can be enforced by controlling the visibility and accessibility of fields based on user profiles and permission sets. It allows you to restrict which users can view, edit, or delete specific fields on an object.


  • What is the purpose of a trigger.newMap in Salesforce?

The "trigger.newMap" variable in Salesforce is a map that represents the new versions of the sObject records in a trigger context. It allows you to access and compare the new values of records before they are inserted or updated.


  • How do you implement pagination in Visualforce?

Pagination in Visualforce can be implemented using the standard set controller or by manually managing the offset and limit values in Apex code. It allows you to display a subset of records on each page and provide navigation controls for the user.


  • What is a Lightning Event in Salesforce?

A Lightning Event in Salesforce is a message or notification fired by a component to communicate with other components in the Lightning framework. It allows components to communicate and exchange data without direct coupling.


  • How do you schedule Apex code to run at specific intervals?

Apex code can be scheduled to run at specific intervals using Apex schedulable classes and the Salesforce scheduler. By implementing the Schedulable interface, you can define the logic and timing for executing the scheduled job.


  • What is a Lightning Page in Salesforce?

A Lightning Page in Salesforce is a customizable, drag-and-drop page layout that allows you to arrange and display Lightning components. It provides a flexible interface for designing user-friendly pages in the Lightning Experience.


  • How do you handle record locking and concurrency issues in Salesforce?

Record locking and concurrency issues can be handled in Salesforce by implementing proper locking strategies, such as using the FOR UPDATE clause in SOQL queries, optimistic locking, or using custom locking mechanisms with Apex code.


  • What is the difference between a standard controller and a custom controller in Visualforce?

A standard controller in Visualforce is used to work with standard objects and their related records. It provides default functionality and methods for performing CRUD operations on records. A custom controller, on the other hand, is used to create custom logic and functionality for Visualforce pages.


  • How do you create a custom object in Salesforce?

To create a custom object in Salesforce, you can navigate to the Setup menu, go to Object Manager, and click "New Custom Object." From there, you can define the object's name, fields, relationships, and other settings.


  • What is a trigger handler in Salesforce?

A trigger handler, also known as a trigger framework, is an approach to organize and manage complex Apex triggers. It separates the trigger logic from the trigger itself, making the code more modular, reusable, and easier to maintain.


  • How do you implement a validation rule for a custom field in Salesforce?

To implement a validation rule for a custom field in Salesforce, you can navigate to the object's setup page, go to the "Validation Rules" section, and click "New Rule." From there, you can define the validation rule using a formula that evaluates the field values.


  • What is the difference between a full sandbox and a partial sandbox in Salesforce?

A full sandbox in Salesforce is an exact replica of the production environment, including all data and metadata. A partial sandbox, on the other hand, is a smaller copy of the production environment, typically used for development and testing purposes.


  • How do you query records using dynamic SOQL in Apex?

Dynamic SOQL in Apex allows you to construct queries at runtime using strings and bind variables. You can use the Database.query() method to execute the dynamic query and retrieve the desired records.


  • What is the purpose of the "with sharing" keyword in Apex?

The "with sharing" keyword in Apex enforces the sharing rules defined in Salesforce for the current user executing the code. It ensures that the code respects the record-level and object-level security settings.


  • How do you perform a callout to an external system in Apex?

To perform a callout to an external system in Apex, you can use the HTTP or HTTPRequest classes to make HTTP requests and receive responses. You can then parse the response data and perform any required processing.


  • What is a Lightning Interface in Salesforce?

A Lightning Interface in Salesforce is a way to define a contract or set of methods that components can implement. It allows for a standard set of behavior or functionality to be shared and reused across multiple components.


  • How do you implement a dependent picklist in Salesforce?

To implement a dependent picklist in Salesforce, you can define the controlling and dependent picklist fields on an object and specify the values and dependencies. The dependent picklist options change dynamically based on the selected value in the controlling picklist.


  • What is the difference between a before insert trigger and an after insert trigger?

A before insert trigger in Salesforce is executed before the records are inserted into the database. It allows you to modify the records or perform additional operations before they are saved. An after insert trigger, on the other hand, is executed after the records have been inserted and saved.


  • How do you handle code versioning and deployments in Salesforce?

Code versioning and deployments in Salesforce can be managed using version control systems like Git or Salesforce DX. By maintaining separate branches for development, testing, and production environments, you can track changes, merge code, and deploy updates systematically.


  • What is the difference between a static method and an instance method in Apex?

A static method in Apex belongs to the class itself and can be called directly without creating an instance of the class. An instance method, on the other hand, is associated with an instance of the class and requires an object to invoke it.


  • How do you implement a custom report type in Salesforce?

To implement a custom report type in Salesforce, you can navigate to the Object Manager, select the desired object, and click on "New Report Type." From there, you can define the relationships, fields, and report types for the custom report.


  • What is the difference between a trigger and a workflow rule in Salesforce?

Triggers are Apex code that gets executed before or after data manipulation operations, whereas workflow rules are declarative automation tools that allow you to automate standard internal procedures and processes.


  • What is the purpose of the @AuraEnabled annotation in Apex?

The @AuraEnabled annotation in Apex is used to expose Apex methods to Lightning components, allowing them to be invoked from client-side JavaScript controllers.


  • How do you create a Lightning component in Salesforce?

Lightning components can be created using the Aura framework in Salesforce. You define the component's markup and logic in separate .cmp and .js files, and then include the component in Lightning pages or apps.


  • What is the purpose of the @RemoteAction annotation in Apex?

The @RemoteAction annotation in Apex is used to create methods that can be invoked from JavaScript code in Visualforce pages or Lightning components, enabling server-side logic to be executed asynchronously.


  • How do you handle governor limits in Salesforce?

Governor limits in Salesforce are enforced to ensure the stability and performance of the platform. To handle these limits, you can implement efficient code practices, such as bulkifying operations, using appropriate data structures, and optimizing SOQL and DML operations.


  • What is the difference between a standard controller and a custom controller in Visualforce?

A standard controller in Visualforce is used to work with standard objects and their related records. It provides default functionality and methods for performing CRUD operations on records. A custom controller, on the other hand, is used to create custom logic and functionality for Visualforce pages.


  • How do you schedule Apex code to run at specific intervals?

Apex code can be scheduled to run at specific intervals using Apex schedulable classes and the Salesforce scheduler. By implementing the Schedulable interface, you can define the logic and timing for executing the scheduled job.


  • What is a Lightning Web Component (LWC) in Salesforce?

Lightning Web Components (LWC) are a modern framework for building Lightning components in Salesforce. They use standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and provide enhanced performance and development flexibility.


  • How do you handle record locking and concurrency issues in Salesforce?

Record locking and concurrency issues can be handled in Salesforce by implementing proper locking strategies, such as using the FOR UPDATE clause in SOQL queries, optimistic locking, or using custom locking mechanisms with Apex code.


  • What is the difference between a partial page refresh and a full page refresh in Visualforce?

A partial page refresh in Visualforce updates only a specific portion of a page, typically using the <apex:actionRegion> or <apex:actionSupport> components. A full page refresh, on the other hand, reloads the entire page, including all its components and data.


  • How do you handle exception handling in Apex?

In Apex, you can handle exceptions using try-catch blocks. By wrapping the code that may throw an exception in a try block and providing appropriate catch blocks, you can handle and respond to specific exceptions gracefully.


  • What is the purpose of the @TestVisible annotation in Apex?

The @TestVisible annotation in Apex is used to mark methods or variables as visible to test classes. It allows you to access and test internal code elements that are not exposed to regular classes.


  • How do you enforce field-level security in Apex?

Field-level security in Apex can be enforced by checking the field's accessibility using the Schema.SObjectField methods isAccessible() and isUpdateable(). This ensures that the current user has the necessary permissions to read or modify the field.


  • What is the difference between a trigger and a process builder in Salesforce?

Triggers are Apex code that execute before or after specific data manipulation events, whereas process builder is a declarative tool that allows you to define automated processes with point-and-click configuration.


  • How do you implement a custom REST web service in Salesforce?

To implement a custom REST web service in Salesforce, you can define an Apex class with the @RestResource annotation and expose methods with the @HttpGet, @HttpPost, etc., annotations to handle different HTTP methods.


  • What is a Lightning Event in Salesforce?

A Lightning Event in Salesforce is a message dispatched from one component and can be handled by other components. It allows for communication and coordination between different components in a Lightning app.


  • How do you create a Visualforce page in Salesforce?

Visualforce pages in Salesforce can be created by defining the page's markup and logic in a .vf file, along with any associated Apex controllers or extensions. The page can then be referenced and used in Lightning components or standard page layouts.


  • What is the purpose of the @future annotation in Apex?

The @future annotation in Apex is used to execute a method asynchronously in the background. It allows you to offload long-running or time-consuming operations to separate threads, ensuring a more responsive user experience.


  • How do you perform database operations using SOQL in Apex?

SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) in Apex is used to query and retrieve data from Salesforce objects. You can use the SELECT statement, along with various clauses like WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT, to fetch the desired records.


  • What is a trigger handler and why is it used in Salesforce?

A trigger handler in Salesforce is a design pattern that separates the trigger logic from the trigger itself. It allows for cleaner and more modular code by encapsulating the trigger logic in a separate class and promoting code reusability.


  • How do you deploy Apex code between environments in Salesforce?

Apex code can be deployed between environments in Salesforce using tools like the Metadata API, Salesforce CLI, or Salesforce DX. These tools allow you to package and deploy the necessary code components to the target environment.


  • What is a Test Class in Salesforce and why is it important?

A Test Class in Salesforce is used to test the functionality and behavior of Apex code. It is important because it ensures the quality and reliability of the code by verifying that it produces the expected results and handles various scenarios.


  • How do you perform batch processing in Salesforce?

Batch processing in Salesforce can be achieved by implementing the Database.Batchable interface. This allows you to process a large number of records in smaller batches, ensuring efficient handling of data and avoiding governor limits.


  • What is the difference between a trigger and a trigger framework in Salesforce?

A trigger in Salesforce is a block of Apex code that gets executed before or after specific data manipulation events. A trigger framework, on the other hand, is a design pattern or structure that provides a more organized and scalable approach to managing triggers.


  • How do you implement sharing rules in Salesforce?

Sharing rules in Salesforce can be implemented to extend access to records based on criteria or criteria-based sharing rules. By defining sharing rules, you can share records with specific users, roles, or public groups to control visibility and access.


  • What is a Lightning App in Salesforce?

A Lightning App in Salesforce is a collection of Lightning components and other resources that work together to provide a specific functionality or user experience. It can be accessed and used in the Lightning Experience or Salesforce1 mobile app.


  • How do you create a Lightning page in Salesforce?

Lightning pages in Salesforce can be created using the Lightning App Builder. It allows you to drag and drop components onto the page, customize the layout, and configure the properties to create a tailored user interface.


  • What is the purpose of the @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true) annotation in Apex?

The @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true) annotation in Apex is used to mark methods as cacheable for Lightning components. It allows for improved performance by storing and serving the method's response from the client-side cache.


  • How do you handle bulkification in Apex?

Bulkification in Apex involves designing code that can handle large data sets efficiently. It usually involves using collections like lists or maps, working with SOQL queries or DML statements outside of loops, and using query/queryMore to handle large result sets.


  • What is a Lightning Data Service in Salesforce?

Lightning Data Service in Salesforce is a standard component that provides a simplified way to create, read, update, and delete records in Lightning components. It handles the underlying data access and synchronization automatically.


  • How do you use the Schema class in Apex?

The Schema class in Apex provides methods and properties that allow you to access and work with the metadata of Salesforce objects, such as fields, objects, and relationships. It can be used to dynamically retrieve information about the data model at runtime.


  • What is the difference between a managed package and an unmanaged package in Salesforce?

A managed package in Salesforce is a collection of components and functionality that is created and distributed by a Salesforce ISV (Independent Software Vendor). It can be upgraded, and its components can be protected. An unmanaged package, on the other hand, is typically used for in-house development and doesn't offer the same upgrade and protection capabilities.


  • How do you handle concurrent updates in Salesforce?

Concurrent updates in Salesforce can be handled using record locking mechanisms, such as optimistic locking or pessimistic locking. Optimistic locking involves using a version number field to detect and resolve conflicts, while pessimistic locking involves explicitly locking records during updates to prevent conflicts.


  • What is the difference between a before trigger and an after trigger in Salesforce?

A before trigger in Salesforce is executed before the records are saved to the database, allowing you to modify or validate the record values. An after trigger, on the other hand, is executed after the records are saved, enabling you to perform actions based on the results of the save operation.


  • How do you create a Lightning Component Bundle in Salesforce?

To create a Lightning Component Bundle in Salesforce, you need to define the component's markup and logic in separate .cmp, .js, and .css files. These files are organized into a folder structure, and the bundle can be created using the Salesforce Developer Console, Visual Studio Code, or the Salesforce CLI.


  • What is the purpose of the @AuraHandled annotation in Apex?

The @AuraHandled annotation in Apex is used to mark methods as invocable from Lightning components. It allows for the communication between the server-side Apex code and client-side Lightning components.


  • How do you implement field-level security in Visualforce?

Field-level security in Visualforce can be implemented by checking the accessibility of the field using the isAccessible() method of the Schema.SObjectField class. This ensures that only authorized users can see or modify the field.


  • What is a Lightning Page Component in Salesforce?

A Lightning Page Component in Salesforce is a reusable component that can be added to Lightning Pages. It allows for the customization and enhancement of the page layout by adding additional functionality or displaying specific data.


  • How do you handle large data volumes in Salesforce?

Large data volumes in Salesforce can be handled by implementing strategies such as data archiving, data purging, or using features like Big Objects or External Objects to offload and store large data sets outside of the Salesforce platform.


  • What is the purpose of the System.runAs() method in Apex testing?

The System.runAs() method in Apex testing is used to simulate the execution context of a specific user during test execution. It allows you to test code that enforces user-specific permissions or functionality.


  • How do you enforce CRUD and FLS (Create, Read, Update, Delete and Field Level Security) in Apex?

CRUD and FLS in Apex can be enforced using the with sharing or without sharing keywords in Apex classes. The with sharing keyword ensures that the record-level and field-level security settings of the running user are enforced, while the without sharing keyword bypasses these security settings.


  • What is the difference between a SOQL and a SOSL query in Salesforce?

SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) is used to query specific records from a single Salesforce object at a time. SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language), on the other hand, is used to search multiple objects simultaneously, based on a search term or phrase.


  • How do you implement data validation rules in Salesforce?

Data validation rules in Salesforce can be implemented by defining rules on the object's fields. These rules can include conditions and formulas that must be satisfied for the record to be saved, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.


  • What is the purpose of the @InvocableMethod annotation in Apex?

The @InvocableMethod annotation in Apex is used to mark methods as invocable from Flow or Process Builder. It allows for the integration of custom Apex code into declarative automation tools.


  • How do you use the JSON.serialize() method in Apex?

The JSON.serialize() method in Apex is used to serialize Apex objects into JSON format. It converts the objects' data and properties into a JSON string, which can be used for data exchange or storage.


  • What is a Sharing Set in Salesforce and how is it used?

A Sharing Set in Salesforce is a collection of predefined user roles and groups that can be granted access to records based on certain criteria. It allows for simplified and streamlined sharing of records without the need for manual sharing rules.


  • How do you implement pagination in Visualforce?

Pagination in Visualforce can be implemented using the <apex:pageBlockTable> component in combination with the <apex:pageBlockButtons> and <apex:pageBlockSection> components. You can use Apex controllers or extensions to control the data and manage the pagination logic.


  • What is the difference between a custom setting and a custom object in Salesforce?

A custom setting in Salesforce is a customizable, data storage mechanism that allows you to create and manage custom data at the organization, profile, or user level. A custom object, on the other hand, is a fully customizable object that stores data and behaves like a standard Salesforce object.


  • How do you implement dynamic Apex in Salesforce?

Dynamic Apex in Salesforce allows you to write code that can adapt to different object and field structures at runtime. It involves using features like the Schema class, dynamic SOQL queries, dynamic DML statements, and the Type class to access and manipulate objects and fields dynamically.


  • What is the purpose of the @RemoteAction annotation in Apex?

The @RemoteAction annotation in Apex is used to create methods that can be invoked from JavaScript code in Visualforce pages. It allows for server-side processing and interaction with the client-side code, providing a seamless user experience.


These questions should help you prepare for a Salesforce Developer interview. Remember to thoroughly understand the concepts behind each question and practice coding scenarios to demonstrate your skills and knowledge effectively. Good luck!

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