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  • Writer's pictureAnjali Dahiya

Relationships in Salesforce: A Beginner's Guide

Relationships in Salesforce: A Beginner's Guide

Salesforce relationships are used to connect two or more objects together. This allows you to view related data and perform actions on related records. There are six different types of relationships in Salesforce:

  • Master-detail relationship

  • Lookup relationship

  • Self-relationship

  • External lookup relationship

  • Many-to-Many Relationship (Junction Object)

  • Hierarchical relationship

Master-detail relationship

A master-detail relationship is a one-to-many relationship between two objects. This means that one master object can have many child objects, but each child object can only be related to one master object.

The master object is the parent object, and the child object is the child object. The master object is the main object, and the child object is dependent on the master object. The child object cannot exist without being related to a master object.

For example, you can create a master-detail relationship between an Account object and an Opportunity object. The Account object would be the master object, and the Opportunity object would be the child object. This means that an Opportunity can only exist if it is related to an Account.

Here are some of the benefits of using master-detail relationships in Salesforce:

  • It can help you to organize your data in a logical way. Master-detail relationships can help you to organize your data in a way that makes sense for your business. For example, you can create a master-detail relationship between an Account object and an Opportunity object to track all of the Opportunities that are related to a particular Account.

  • It can help you to reduce data redundancy. Master-detail relationships can help you to reduce data redundancy by storing related data in one place. For example, you can store the contact information for all of the contacts who are related to an Account in the Account record. This can help you to avoid storing the contact information in multiple places.

  • It can help you to improve performance. Master-detail relationships can help you to improve performance by reducing the number of database queries that need to be executed. For example, if you need to view all of the Opportunities that are related to an Account, you can simply query the Account record. This can be much faster than querying the Opportunity object for each Opportunity that is related to the Account.

If you are considering using master-detail relationships in Salesforce, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Master-detail relationships can be a powerful tool for organizing your data and improving performance, but they can also be complex to manage.

Lookup relationship

A lookup relationship is a many-to-one relationship between two objects. This means that one lookup object can be related to many master objects, but each master object can only be related to one lookup object.

The lookup object is the child object, and the master object is the parent object. The lookup object is dependent on the master object, but the master object is not dependent on the lookup object. The lookup object can exist without being related to a master object, but the master object cannot have any child objects unless it is related to at least one lookup object.

For example, you can create a lookup relationship between a Contact object and an Account object. The Contact object can be related to multiple Accounts. This means that a Contact can be related to more than one Account. However, an Account can only be related to one Contact.

Here are some of the benefits of using lookup relationships in Salesforce:

  • It can help you to relate different objects in your Salesforce instance. Lookup relationships can help you to relate different objects in your Salesforce instance in a way that makes sense for your business. For example, you can create a lookup relationship between a Contact object and an Account object to track all of the Accounts that are related to a particular Contact.

  • It can help you to reduce data redundancy. Lookup relationships can help you to reduce data redundancy by storing related data in one place. For example, you can store the contact information for all of the contacts who are related to an Account in the Account record. This can help you to avoid storing the contact information in multiple places.

  • It can help you to improve performance. Lookup relationships can help you to improve performance by reducing the number of database queries that need to be executed. For example, if you need to view all of the Accounts that are related to a Contact, you can simply query the Contact record. This can be much faster than querying the Account object for each Account that is related to the Contact.

If you are considering using lookup relationships in Salesforce, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Lookup relationships can be a powerful tool for relating different objects in your Salesforce instance and improving performance, but they can also be complex to manage. If you are not sure whether lookup relationships are right for your needs, you should consult with a Salesforce consultant.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about lookup relationships in Salesforce:

  • Lookup relationships can be created between any two objects in Salesforce, as long as the objects are related in some way.

  • The name of the lookup field is always prefixed with the name of the master object, followed by a colon and the name of the lookup object. For example, if you create a lookup relationship between a Contact object and an Account object, the lookup field will be called Account__c.

  • The lookup field can be used in a variety of places in Salesforce, such as in forms, reports, and workflows.

  • Lookup relationships can be used to create roll-up summaries, which are calculated fields that summarize data from related objects. For example, you can create a roll-up summary to calculate the total number of Contacts that are related to each Account.


A self-relationship is a relationship between two objects of the same type. This means that the two objects are of the same object type, such as Contact or Account. Self-relationships can be used to create a parent-child relationship between two objects.

For example, you can create a self-relationship between a Contact object to create a parent-child relationship between two Contact records. This would allow you to track the hierarchy of Contacts, such as a manager-employee relationship.

Here are some of the benefits of using self-relationships in Salesforce:

  • It can help you to model your business relationships more accurately. Self-relationships can help you to model your business relationships more accurately by allowing you to create parent-child relationships between objects of the same type. For example, you can create a self-relationship between a Contact object to create a manager-employee relationship.

  • It can help you to reduce data redundancy. Self-relationships can help you to reduce data redundancy by storing related data in one place. For example, you can store the contact information for all of the contacts who are related to a particular Contact in the Contact record. This can help you to avoid storing the contact information in multiple places.

  • It can help you to improve performance. Self-relationships can help you to improve performance by reducing the number of database queries that need to be executed. For example, if you need to view all of the Contacts who are related to a particular Contact, you can simply query the Contact record. This can be much faster than querying the Contact object for each Contact that is related to the Contact.

If you are considering using self-relationships in Salesforce, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Self-relationships can be a powerful tool for modeling your business relationships and improving performance, but they can also be complex to manage. If you are not sure whether self-relationships are right for your needs, you should consult with a Salesforce consultant.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about self-relationships in Salesforce:

  • Self-relationships can be created between any two objects of the same type in Salesforce, as long as the objects are related in some way.

  • The name of the self-relationship field is always prefixed with the name of the object, followed by an underscore and the word "relationship". For example, if you create a self-relationship between a Contact object, the self-relationship field will be called Contact_relationship__c.

  • The self-relationship field can be used in a variety of places in Salesforce, such as in forms, reports, and workflows.

  • Self-relationships can be used to create roll-up summaries, which are calculated fields that summarize data from related objects. For example, you can create a roll-up summary to calculate the total number of Contacts who are related to each Contact.

External lookup relationship

An external lookup relationship is a relationship between a Salesforce object and an external object. This means that the Salesforce object can be related to an object that is stored in a different system, such as an ERP system or a CRM system.

External lookup relationships can be used to connect Salesforce to other systems that your business uses. This can be helpful for sharing data between systems and for keeping your data up-to-date.

For example, you can create an external lookup relationship between an Account object and a Customer object in an ERP system. This would allow you to view the Customer record from the ERP system in Salesforce. You could then use the data from the Customer record to update the Account record in Salesforce.

Here are some of the benefits of using external lookup relationships in Salesforce:

  • It can help you to share data between systems. External lookup relationships can help you to share data between Salesforce and other systems that your business uses. This can be helpful for keeping your data up-to-date and for making it easier to access data from different systems.

  • It can help you to keep your data up-to-date. External lookup relationships can help you to keep your data up-to-date by automatically syncing data between Salesforce and other systems. This can save you time and effort, and it can help to ensure that your data is always accurate.

  • It can help you to make it easier to access data from different systems. External lookup relationships can help you to make it easier to access data from different systems by providing a single view of your data. This can make it easier to find the data that you need and to use it to make informed decisions.

If you are considering using external lookup relationships in Salesforce, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. External lookup relationships can be a powerful tool for sharing data between systems and keeping your data up-to-date, but they can also be complex to manage. If you are not sure whether external lookup relationships are right for your needs, you should consult with a Salesforce consultant.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about external lookup relationships in Salesforce:

  • External lookup relationships can be created between any Salesforce object and any external object, as long as the objects are related in some way.

  • The name of the external lookup field is always prefixed with the name of the Salesforce object, followed by a colon and the name of the external object. For example, if you create an external lookup relationship between an Account object and a Customer object in an ERP system, the external lookup field will be called Customer__c.

  • The external lookup field can be used in a variety of places in Salesforce, such as in forms, reports, and workflows.

  • External lookup relationships can be used to create roll-up summaries, which are calculated fields that summarize data from related objects. For example, you can create a roll-up summary to calculate the total sales for all of the Customers who are related to each Account.

Many-to-Many Relationship (Junction Object)

A many-to-many relationship (junction object) is a type of relationship in Salesforce that allows you to connect records in two objects where one object can be related to multiple instances of another object and vice versa. It requires the creation of a separate junction object to store the relationships between the two objects.


Consider a scenario where you have two objects: Accounts and Opportunities. An account can have multiple opportunities and an opportunity can be associated with multiple accounts. This is an example of a many-to-many relationship.

To represent this relationship in Salesforce, you would create a junction object called "AccountOpportunity". This object would have two lookup fields: one for Accounts and one for Opportunities. Each record in the AccountOpportunity object would represent a connection between an account and an opportunity.

Benefits of using a many-to-many relationship (junction object):

  • Efficient data storage: Junction objects allow you to store relationships between objects without duplicating data. This can save storage space and improve performance.

  • Flexibility: Junction objects can be used to model relationships between any two objects, regardless of their data types.

  • Reliability: Junction objects help to enforce data integrity by ensuring that records are related correctly.

Here are some additional benefits of using many-to-many relationships (junction objects):

  • Reduced data redundancy: Junction objects eliminate the need to store duplicate data, which can improve data integrity and performance.

  • Improved data consistency: Junction objects ensure that records are related correctly, which can help to prevent errors and inconsistencies in your data.

  • Enhanced data analysis: Junction objects make it easier to analyze relationships between objects, which can help you to gain insights from your data.

Hierarchical relationship

A hierarchical relationship is a special type of relationship that is used to create a hierarchy of objects. This means that the objects in the relationship can be arranged in a tree-like structure, with each object having one or more child objects.

Hierarchical relationships can be used to represent a variety of business relationships, such as organizational charts, product hierarchies, and customer support hierarchies.

For example, you can create a hierarchical relationship between a User object and a Manager object. This would allow you to create an organizational chart in Salesforce. In this relationship, each User object would have one Manager object. The Manager object would be the parent object, and the User object would be the child object.

Here are some of the benefits of using hierarchical relationships in Salesforce:

  • It can help you to model your business relationships more accurately. Hierarchical relationships can help you to model your business relationships more accurately by allowing you to create tree-like structures. For example, you can create a hierarchical relationship between a User object and a Manager object to create an organizational chart.

  • It can help you to manage your data more effectively. Hierarchical relationships can help you to manage your data more effectively by allowing you to track the hierarchy of objects. For example, you can use a hierarchical relationship to track the hierarchy of products in your product catalog.

  • It can help you to improve your reporting and analysis. Hierarchical relationships can help you to improve your reporting and analysis by allowing you to drill down into your data. For example, you can use a hierarchical relationship to drill down into the organizational chart to see the performance of each employee.

If you are considering using hierarchical relationships in Salesforce, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Hierarchical relationships can be a powerful tool for modeling your business relationships and managing your data, but they can also be complex to manage. If you are not sure whether hierarchical relationships are right for your needs, you should consult with a Salesforce consultant.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about hierarchical relationships in Salesforce:

  • Hierarchical relationships can only be created between objects of the same type. For example, you can create a hierarchical relationship between two User objects, but you cannot create a hierarchical relationship between a User object and an Account object.

  • Hierarchical relationships can be created between any two objects of the same type in Salesforce, as long as the objects are related in some way.

  • The name of the hierarchical relationship field is always prefixed with the name of the object, followed by an underscore and the word "hierarchy". For example, if you create a hierarchical relationship between two User objects, the hierarchical relationship field will be called User_hierarchy__c.

  • The hierarchical relationship field can be used in a variety of places in Salesforce, such as in forms, reports, and workflows.

  • Hierarchical relationships can be used to create roll-up summaries, which are calculated fields that summarize data from related objects. For example, you can create a roll-up summary to calculate the total number of employees who are reporting to each manager.

The different types of relationships in Salesforce can be used to model a wide variety of business relationships. By understanding the different types of relationships, you can choose the right relationship for your needs and create a more efficient and effective Salesforce instance.


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